the Story
the Story
The Story
Carry with you Courage & Strength. Deep red Onyx gemstones are strung together with silver tiger-striped beads to create this beautiful talisman. For the wearer, Onyx symbolizes courage, no matter the odds, while the tiger pattern is a constant reminder of her inner strength.
THE ANIMALI COLLECTION. While living in Asia, we met the Dai people who tattoo themselves with patterns of predators as a way to carry protection through the jungles. This beautiful tradition inspired our Animali Collection. Fierce animal patterns cast in sterling silver and paired with natural, hand-carved gemstones, imbue the wearer with the strength of the animals and stones.
Onyx from Brazil
With a depth that seems to go on forever, Onyx is said to repel negative energy from the wearer. So you can find the courage to never give up, stand up to struggles, kick bad habits, and find inner strength even when the odds are against you. Our Onyx comes from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, where the world’s richest diversity of gemstones lies.