the Story
the Story
The Story
Our Thanka jewelry is inspired by Nepalese and Tibetan artists. Using deep red inks, they paint intricate scenes that inspire personal meditation. In this necklace, curved gold chains are studded with Brazilian Garnet as a nod to a Thanka painting of The Wheel of Life.

The Inspiration
The monk sitting next to me dips his brush into a pot of red ink. With the slowest of movements he applies the Garnet hue to his Thanka painting, filling in the area around the buddha's gold crown with a flood of deep red.

Garnet from Brazil
At its very essence, Garnet embodies passion and love. The gemstone’s deep red color and iridescent glow symbolizes pursuing your passions and loving those around you, with all your heart. ReBe Garnet comes from the shimmering, steep cliffs of southern Brazil where the stones have adorned locals for thousands of years.